Exploring ViewModifiers

abdul ahad
4 min readFeb 27, 2024


Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash

In SwiftUI, views are lightweight constructs that mainly consist of the body property and essential properties like alignment for VStack, HStack, and ZStack, and action for Button. so how do we customize SwiftUI Views? Enter View Modifiers.


the ViewModifier protocol allows you to create custom modifiers for views, enabling you to apply consistent styling and behavior across your app without repeating code. This is particularly useful for defining reusable components or styles that can be applied to various views.

Deep Dive into ViewModifier

ViewModifier is a protocol. Other types can conform to, but no variable or value can just have the plain type ViewModifier.

To make a type conform to ViewModifier, we define a body method that takes a Content (whatever that is) and returns a Body (whatever that is):

func body(content: Content) -> Body

A ViewModifier is essentially just this one method, that takes a Content as input and returns a Body as output.

What’s Body? ViewModifier defines it as an associatedtype with a constraint:

associatedtype Body : View

This means we get to pick the specific type known as Body in our ViewModifier, and we can pick any type for Body as long as it conforms to the View protocol.

let's look at an example

we create a simple custom modifier that adds a background color to any view by conforming to the ViewModifier. Note that we don’t have to name the type of View returned by body. We can use some View and let Swift deduce the specific type.

struct ColorModifier:ViewModifier{
let color:Color

func body(content: Content) -> some View {


there are 3 ways to apply a custom Modifier.

1- modifier(_:)

All SwiftUI Views are backed by a modifier function which returns a ModifiedContent instance. I will go over ModifiedContent in detail in another article.

so we can just add this modifier in any view and viola

2- Using ModifiedContent Directly

You can also use ModifiedContent directly to create a view that applies a modifier. This approach is less common because it's more verbose, but it can be useful in certain scenarios where you need more control over the modifier application process:

ModifiedContent(content: Text("Hello, World!"), modifier: CustomModifier())

3- Custom Modifiers with Stored Properties

While SwiftUI has the .modifier API to apply a value conforming to the ViewModifer protocol, SwiftUI’s built-in modifiers are all exposed as extensions on View and that is the practice we’ve applied here

Important gotcha

An important thing to understand is that when we apply a modifier to a View we are not directly modifying it. There are no properties to be modified. Instead, when a modifier is applied a ModifiedContent is returned, which wrappers the View that we applied the modifier. so if there are multiple modifiers we keep wrapping the view with ModifiedContent.

Each time we apply a view modifier like padding or background to the text view, it gets wrapped in another layer. Looking at a chain of view modifiers like in the example above, we have to read from the bottom up to visualize the resulting view tree; the last view modifier, background in this example, becomes the topmost view in the view tree.

Apple provides a list of modifiers built in that you can use but you can also use a customized modifier according to your needs.




abdul ahad
abdul ahad

Written by abdul ahad

A software developer dreaming to reach the top and also passionate about sports and language learning

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