Different types of Init in Swift

abdul ahad
4 min readMay 26, 2024


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

In Swift, initializers are used to create new instances of a class. They come in different types: designated initializers, convenience initializers, and required initializers. Each type serves a specific purpose in the initialization process of an object. Here’s a detailed explanation of each:

Designated Initializers

  • Primary Initializers: Designated initializers are the primary initializers for a class. They ensure that all properties introduced by the class are initialized.
  • Initialization Chain: They call an appropriate superclass initializer to continue the initialization process up the inheritance chain.


class MyClass {
var property: Int

// Designated initializer
init(property: Int) {
self.property = property
// Further initialization

Convenience Initializers

  • Secondary Initializers: Convenience initializers are secondary initializers. They provide additional ways to initialize a class, often with default values or simplified initialization processes.
  • Must Call Another Initializer: They must call another initializer from the same class (either a designated initializer or another convenience initializer) using self.init.
  • Cannot be Overridden: They cannot be overridden by subclasses.


class MyClass {
var property: Int

// Designated initializer
init(property: Int) {
self.property = property

// Convenience initializer
convenience init() {
self.init(property: 0) // Calling designated initializer

Required Initializers

  • Enforced by the Compiler: Required initializers ensure that subclasses provide an implementation of the initializer.
  • Use Case: Commonly used when a class conforms to a protocol that requires specific initializers.


class MyClass {
var property: Int

// Designated initializer
init(property: Int) {
self.property = property

// Required initializer
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
self.property = 0
// Further initialization

class SubClass: MyClass {
// Required initializer must be implemented in subclasses
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)

Example with UIViewController

Let’s see how these initializers are used in the context of a custom UIViewController:

import UIKit

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
var customTitle: String

// Designated initializer
init(customTitle: String) {
self.customTitle = customTitle
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil) // Calling the designated initializer of UIViewController

// Required initializer (from NSCoding)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
self.customTitle = "Default Title"
super.init(coder: aDecoder)

// Convenience initializer
convenience init() {
self.init(customTitle: "Default Title") // Calling the designated initializer
// Using the designated initializer
let vc1 = MyViewController(customTitle: "Hello, World!")

// Using the convenience initializer
let vc2 = MyViewController()

// Using the required initializer (typically used for decoding from a storyboard or nib)
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let vc3 = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "MyViewController") as? MyViewController

In this example:

  • vc1 is initialized with a custom title "Hello, World!".
  • vc2 is initialized with the default title "Default Title".
  • vc3 is instantiated from a storyboard, using the required initializer.

Example with Cells

UITableViewCell Initializers

Designated Initializers:

  • init(style:reuseIdentifier:): This is the designated initializer for UITableViewCell. It's called when you initialize a cell programmatically.
class CustomTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
// Custom initialization code here

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// Custom initialization code here for cells created from a storyboard or nib

Convenience Initializers:

  • Convenience initializers are not common for cells but can be added if you have specific configurations or default setups.
class CustomTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
// Custom initialization code here

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// Custom initialization code here for cells created from a storyboard or nib

convenience init() {
self.init(style: .default, reuseIdentifier: "CustomCell")
// Additional setup with default values

UICollectionViewCell Initializers

Designated Initializers:

  • init(frame:): This is the designated initializer for UICollectionViewCell. It's called when you initialize a cell programmatically.
class CustomCollectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
// Custom initialization code here

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// Custom initialization code here for cells created from a storyboard or nib

Convenience Initializers:

  • Similar to UITableViewCell, you can create convenience initializers for UICollectionViewCell for specific configurations.
class CustomCollectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
// Custom initialization code here

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// Custom initialization code here for cells created from a storyboard or nib

convenience init(withColor color: UIColor) {
self.init(frame: .zero)
self.backgroundColor = color
// Additional setup with the given color

Initializers for Storyboards and Nibs

When you use storyboards or nib files to create your custom cells, the system uses the init(coder:) initializer. Here’s how you might set that up:

class CustomTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
super.init(style: style, reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier)
// Custom initialization code here

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
// Custom initialization code here for cells created from a storyboard or nib


  • Designated Initializers: Main initializers that ensure all properties are initialized and call the superclass initializer.
  • Convenience Initializers: Secondary initializers that provide additional ways to initialize a class, calling another initializer within the same class.
  • Required Initializers: Enforced initializers that must be implemented by subclasses, often used in protocol conformance.

These different types of initializers provide flexibility and clarity in how instances of a class are created and ensure that initialization is performed correctly and efficiently across the class hierarchy.



abdul ahad
abdul ahad

Written by abdul ahad

A software developer dreaming to reach the top and also passionate about sports and language learning

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